Volker Stolz
Department of Computer science, Electrical engineering and Mathematical sciences
Office: F503
E-mail: Volker.Stolz@hvl.no
Website: https://www.hvl.no/person/?user=3609817
Research field: Software engineering
Publications: Publications in Cristin
Hi, I’m professor in software engineering at HVL and the department of computer science at the University of Oslo (IFI). Here in Bergen, I am site leader for the EU Horizon 2020-project “COEMS – Continuous Observation of Embedded Multicore Systems” and the national follow-up COEMS Training Network
If you find a particular topic interesting, we can easily resize it for a Bachelor or Master project! There’ll also be updates end of August with fresh topics; stay tuned.
- Refactoring-related topics
- Refactoring at Scale
- Automating refactorings through Continuous Integration
- Most of the projects are within the “Modern Refactoring” SIU-CAPES bilateral project (2017/18 & 2019/2020) with Rohit Gheyi, UFCG, Brazil. A student exchange to Brazil can be part of the project.
- Efficient Simulation of IoT Systems (in cooperation with U.Torino, IT)
- FPGA-based monitoring platform COEMS
- Model-based Robot Programming and Modelling
- Static Analysis & Verification (Java, Go, “GoRETech”)
Research activities
- 18th International Colloquium on Theoretical Aspects of Computing (ICTAC’21) (PC member)
- 24th Brazilian Symposium on Formal Methods (SBMF’21) (PC member)
- Brazilian Formal Methods Symposium (SBMF’20), virtual/Ouro Preto, Brazil (co-PC chair)
- 17th Intl. Colloquium on Theoretical Aspects of Computing (ICTAC’20), 30 Nov – 4 Dec 2020, virtual/Macau S.A.R., China (co-PC chair)
- SecuTrace – Security-relevant analysis of execution traces (bilateral NO-FR AURORA project, with Guillaume Hiet/CentraleSupélec, Rennes, 2020)
- COEMS – Continuous Observation of Embedded Multicore Systems (EU Horizon 2020)
- Software Technologies: Applications and Foundations (STAF 2020), 22-26 June 2020, Bergen, Norway (co-publicity chair)
- 15th International Conference on integrated Formal Methods (iFM’19), 2-6 December 2019, Bergen, Norway (general chair)
- EU COST Action IC1402 “Runtime Verification Beyond Monitoring (ARVI)” (2017-2019, vice chair)
- Dagstuhl Seminar “A Shared Challenge in Behavioural Specification” (November 2017)
- Summer School on “Methods and Tool Support for Refinement, Model Transformation and Verification of Network Systems”, Chongqing, China, Oct. 15-19 2017 (co-organizer)
- 6th European Conference on Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing (ESOCC) (workshops co-chair)
- 19th Intl. Conf. on Runtime Verification (RV’19, PC member)
- 22nd Brazilian Symposium On Formal Methods, São Paulo, Brazil, 25-29 November 2019 (SBMF, PC member)
- 1st Intl. Workshop on Cognition: Interdisciplinary Foundations, Models and Applications, Oslo, Norway, 17 September 2019 (PC member)
Completed/In-progress Master theses
- “Refactoring support for Rust”, Per Ove Ringdal (UiO)
- “Generation of Type Providers for Rust“, Erik Vesteraas (UiO)
- “Information flow analysis for Go”, Anna-Katharina Wickert (TU Darmstadt/DAADppp)
- “Detection of Bugs and Code Smells through Static Analysis of Go Source Code”, Christian Bergum Bergersen (UiO)
- “Making Software Refactorings Safer” (slides), Anna Maria Eilertsen (UiB/HiB)
- “Leveraging DTrace for Runtime Verification”, Carl Martin Rosenberg (UiO, now at Simula)
PhD students
- Ole Jørgen Abusdal
- Justus Sagemüller
- Faustin Ahishakiye
- Rui Wang ✔ (now at the university library services at UiB)
- Fernando Macías ✔ (now at IMDEA, Spain. MultEcore multi-level model transformation tool)