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The Engineering Computing research group works in the interface between computational mathematics, computer science and engineering. We construct and analyze computational and mathematical tools that can be applied to solve and study problems from several engineering disciplines.
Our fields of research include various topics from scientific computing, numerical methods for PDEs, PDE constrained optimization, geometric numerical integration, numerical analysis, category theory, combinatorics, algebra, algebraic geometry, and operads. Application areas currently being pursued include computer graphics, image and signal processing, computational medicine and biomedical engineering, electromagnetism, nano materials, solar cells, organic semiconductors, and categorical structures arising in model-driven engineering
- UH-Nett Vest: Computational Medicine
- NILS. Discrete Mechanics, Geometric Integration and Lie-Butcher Series
- NFR-FRINAT Multiscale DD – Algorithm and Analysis (Comp. math, with UiB)
- DAADppp Efficient preconditioners for problems with multiple scale (Comp. math., with FH Bielefeld, Germany)
- DISTECH Numerical methods for image processing (Comp. math, with UiB)
- HiB: The multidisiplinary research group on Sports, Health and Function
- Eikeland: Domain decomposition methods with irregular subdomains
- Loneland: Domain decomposition methods for PDE with multiple scales.
- Rasukkannu: Computer Modeling and simulations of CdS Quantum Dot Sensitized TiO2 Nanotubes for Solar Cell Applications
- Wu: Numerical methods for 3D reconstruction of digital images
- Aalto University, Finland
- Chinese Academy of Sciences, China (Inst. Computational Mathematics)
- Coimbatore Institute of technology (CIT), IndiaXS
- Dortmund University of Technology, Germany
- Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary
- Haukeland University Hospital, Norway
- ICMAT, Madrid
- Institute of Mathematics, Prague. Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic
- National University of Seoul, Korea
- Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
- Stevens Institute of Technology (SIT), USA
- Technical University of Ostrava, Czech (IT4Innovation)
- University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
- University of Applied Sciences FH Bielefeld, Germany
- University of Bergen, Norway (Dept. of Mathematics, Dept. of Informatics, Dept. of Biomedicine)
- Université Blaise Pascal, France (Dept. of Mathematics)
- University of California, USA
- University of Cambridge, UK (DAMTP)
- University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain
- University of South Bohemia, Czech Republic
- University of Warsaw, Poland (Fac. of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics)